Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Weekend

What a great weekend with family and then today celebrating our Risen Saviour. I was in the nursery this morning so didn't get to hear the message, but plan on listening to it online. I hear it was great. My special art project during the service went well and was more emotional than I had anticipated. I'm thankful that God used it in such a powerful way.
This is Henry's Easter outfit. I got it for $1.97 at JC Penney's and I got one for next year too. What a deal! It's such a strange tradition, but fun too. I always like seeing all the little kids on Easter Sunday to see their cute outfits. It's crazy to think that a year ago at Easter, Henry was just a few months old. It feels like yesterday and years ago at the same time.

Another great week ahead. The Charlton household is so full of joy right now. Of course we have our "moments" of naughtiness and crying (by Henry and me), and times I just might pull my hair out, but right now I'm so thankful for all our good and bad moments. Spring is such a refreshing time of year. It's good for the soul. It's so awesome to see the life come back to nature and to see the sun again after a long yet beautiful winter.

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