Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday already?

It's amazing how quickly time goes. One thing that's nice about blogging is that I keep track of what day it is. The date? That's a different story.

We took advantage of the somewhat nice weather yesterday and grilled for supper. I marinated chicken in a mix of orange juice, raspberry vinegarette, and an Asian seasame dressing. It didn't get enough time in the marinade, but it was yummy. I cut up some yellow potatoes and tossed them in some olive oil and a bunch of seasonings and roasted them in the oven. The meal screams summertime to me. I love making up different marinades and I really love using yellow or red potatoes because you don't have to peel them. Easy!

Here's a picture of our cute deck. It's a feature of our house that I really enjoy. It's kind of small, but just right for our little family.

I'm in a boring mood today so nothing fun to write about. Hope you are all having exciting days!

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