Wednesday, March 19, 2008


No, I won't complain today about it being another Wednesday and how much I hate Wednesdays, because it's sunny out and Henry's taking a nap so that's always good.

My mom called me this morning and said she was on her way here with my sister and my nephew Sam on their way to an appt in Iowa City. So we met for lunch for about 1/2 hour and it was really nice. I hadn't seen them in a while and they all commented on how much bigger Henry seems. That feels good after a year of him being the skinniest kid in town. Sam's a funny little boy.
Supper was yummy, but we're struggling through a phase of Henry having horrible table manners. The whole time we're eating he is loudly whining or making other unusual noises, but not fun ones. We try to just ignore it and continue to talk over the madness. I hope it works soon or we'll have to figure out something else. Is this normal? He had a super early bedtime last night because the night before he was up a lot for some unknown reason and then took a horrible nap the next day. Each day is so different, isn't it?!
Dahl's is going to town on construction already. I can feel a little rumble as I sit here. I'm glad Henry uses a noise maker or naps would not happen for the next 6 months. This is going to be annoying.
Why did I buy an Easter dress (for only $5!!) when I knew I was going to be painting during the church service? What was I thinking? I practiced this morning and realized I'll have to use a step ladder. Dress is going back to Kohl's. Hopefully I can find an equally cheap pair of dress pants.

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