Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm not really in the mood for it to be Wednesday today, but I think the sunshine will help me get through it. We're going on a walk and running errands and missing RJ like crazy.

Ruby is home today until Chemo starts on Friday. I'm so thankful that they'll have some time at home! Please pray that the chemo goes well.

I'm also not in the mood much for blogging, so I'll post a delicious recipe. I made this last night with grilled hamburgers. Now that always puts a smile on my man's face!

Broccoli Mashed Potatoes
1 large russet potato, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks (I used about 5 smaller ones--I wanted leftovers!)
1 pound broccoli florets
1/2 cup chicken broth
4 ounces cream cheese (regular or low-fat)
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese

salt and freshly ground black pepper

Fill a large pot with enough water to come 2 inches up the sides of the pot. Set a steamer rack in the pot, cover, and bring the water to a boil over high heat. Add the potato chunks and cook until they are very tender, about 18 minutes. Transfer the potatoes to a medium bowl and mash until smooth.
Place broccoli into steamer rack and steam over medium heat until the broccoli is very tender, about 12 minutes. Transfer the broccoli to the bowl of a food processor. Add the broth, cream cheese, and Parmesan. Process until the broccoli is pureed and almost smooth.
Stir the broccoli puree into the mashed potato and blend well. Season the puree to taste with salt and pepper, and serve. I also added a pat of butter.

These were really yummy, VERY green, and would be great for St. Patricks Day. Henry loved them so that's always good. He doesn't eat veggies well right now so I'm trying new ways to get him to eat them. Tomorrow night I'm trying a recipe from my new cookbook. I'll post the results!

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