Monday, April 14, 2008

A Long Awaited, Beautiful Monday!

What a gorgeous day! FINALLY!! We're going to be hitting those sidewalks real soon. I love the crispness in the air. Still a bit chilly, but you can feel the warmth of the sun. Oh yeah.

We had a great weekend. I caught up with some college friends on Saturday, which was so fun. RJ cleaned while I was gone and before church Sunday morning so we had BOTH Friday and Saturday night together. It was so nice!! We watched Michael Clayton and Dan in Real Life (so good!). And mostly just hung around the house a lot. I painted and got a couple of projects done. That always feels good.

The car is still in the shop. It had better be done today. It's going to be a lot of money so we're hoping it will be good to go for a long time now. She's a good little car, but I still hate spending money on it.

I'd like to give a little shout out to Jenn, who is no longer starving for sunshine!! She gave us 10 lbs of hamburger they had from a cow in Kansas. They needed to get rid of some and we happily accepted. Thanks again!! A little challenge I made up is to make hamburger-based meals that I have not tried before. 1st one was meatball subs. I used 2 lbs so I only have 8 left. Any suggestions??
2nd shout out goes to the John's. They very graciously let us use their car over the weekend. Thanks again. It seriously was very appreciated.
3rd shout out goes to RJ's family. Henry is going up with Rj's brother and fam, and staying at his parents for the weekend. I'm in a panic mode right now. I'm sure after this first away trip I'll look forward to more, but right now I'm freaking out! (yet I know we'll have a great time!)

1 comment:

  1. That's some beautiful construction in the background. :(
