Thursday, April 3, 2008


Do any of you watch America's Next Top Model?

Okay. I got it out there. It's true. I've been addicted to that show for about the last 4-5 seasons. The only way I'm able to get by watching it is because it's on Wednesday nights when RJ is gone and he would not put up with it if he were here!

So, if any of you watch it, weren't you glad/suprised that Claire got booted last night? I totally thought she was going to win in the begining, but she went way down hill.

If you don't watch it, please don't think any less of me. I can't even explain why I like it so much. I have no idea. It's ridiculous I know. We need to get rid of our tv.

Do you think Jesus would have a tv? I'm almost scared to find the answer to that because I know it'd leave our 10 year old tv out on the curb....

I switched my blog to a white background because I feel it makes pictures look nicer. One thing I regret to this day is not getting just plain white dishes for our wedding. Food, even if it's a hot dog, looks better on a white plate. They'd never go out of style, they'd go with any color on your dining room wall, etc. If I could turn back time....If I could find a way...


  1. That's too funny about your dishes...we have plain white ones and when I ate on your beautiful dishes I started scheming on how I wished could get "cool plates like Abby's!" You know, just a small set to use for company, maybe at Target on a great clearance... Don't get me started on what I start scheming to buy when we go to Trent & Lydia's fine home! ;)

  2. I watch America's Next Top Model, but usually the rerun marathons that are on sunday afternoon on cable. I love it too. Andy doesn't usually watch and he doesn't like it, but I am so intrigued by the photo shoots. That's the part I like best. How they pose and carry themselves to how it comes through on a print. I just think it is so interesting, and I wish I could take pictures like that. (not as the subject but as the photographer) The meat plant episode was over the top though, I thought that was disgusting.
