Thursday, April 17, 2008

We visited Ruby tonight and she's as sweet as ever. She was sleeping when we got there and when she woke up she didn't even whimper. She just looked around and played with her toes. Everyone seemed to be doing well, considering the circumstances. They got some initial test results that showed there was nothing in the bones, but they have the bone marrow test tomorrow. The doctors said they can numb her as much as they can, but nothing can completely take away the pain of the needle. So please keep praying for Ruby! They will find out what stage the cancer is in tomorrow as well. Found out that the best case scenario would be stage 4s, which stands for special. Hopefully that's the one it is!

I know everyone that reads this blog also reads Alisa's, so please keep praying for Noah as well as he is recovering. Hopefully this afternoon's fever was the worst of it and hopefully he is more comfortable tomorrow. Noah and Ruby are 2 of the sweetest little kids. I love them both!

If you're a member of Facebook, and if you're not, what in the world are you doing????, there's a Praying for Ruby group. Please feel free to join so you can pray for her and see updates.

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