Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I found a blog where the guy has 7 things he is thankful for on Sundays. I did 6 things on Saturday and I'm going to try to always have at least one thing a day (this should not be hard!). I'm so quick to complain and I hate that. We have so much to be thankful for. I'm not trying to sugar-coat our life. We have bad minutes/hours/days like everyone else, but isn't there so much more to be thankful for?

Today I am thankful for RJ's job. It's a lot less phone time and less dealing with mean people. It's been great for him and I love knowing that he doesn't dread going to work now.

I'm also thankful that Henry didn't break any bones when he fell down the stairs. I know this is the first of many falls, but it made my heart stop. Thankfully we were at the house where I babysit and they have nice, carpeted stairs, as opposed to our wood ones!

This week I'm praying for patience in how to deal with Henry's temper tantrums. I can now see a glimmer of the "terrible 2s". I know there's much, much more to come, but I can start to see it. I thought he was just adjusting to being home, but now I'm not so sure. Poor boy. He went about 2 months without getting any teeth and now they're coming in like crazy. I'm sure that doesn't help the situation, but still does not excuse naughty behavior. I've watched a couple of episodes of that Nanny show lately and it scares me, but I do love how Jo-Jo says the words, unacceptable and naughty. I'm going to make them a part of my vocabulary with my fancy English accent.

Hope you are all having great Tuesdays!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Your comment about words reminded me of something - we are trying really really hard to use biblical words for Noel's sinfulness - aka temper tantrums, determination, me-ism, selfishness, whatever you want to call it! Like "Stop grumbling" or "no complaining" or "use control." One thing that I did with her which was helpful was asking her to hold her hands - then tell me what she wanted. That got her to focus on controlling her hands - and then I'd hear a sweet "Milk please" other than "mmmmillllk pease" or words that I couldn't understand. Don't know if Henry's at that age yet but part of the frustration is that they want to share something, and can't ... :) Take it or leave it. Kathy
