Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm in quite the funk today. RJ went back to work and I'm just plain 'ol down. Thankfully, Henry is in a great mood. It's weird to have a whole week so out of the norm with RJ home and family around. I feel like I don't know what's going on with the rest of the world anymore. So it's back to reality.
There, I'm done complaining about my downer mood, but if anyone wants to get out and play, give me a call. Please!!:)

RJ's oldest brother and his family are moving to a house that is 1.2 miles from us. I am so excited! It's a great house in an awesome location. Jamie and I agree that soon, Olivia will be able to babysit Henry which, after some thought, she said she would do for $3 an hour. Quite the bargain! Liv also said she'd let me hire her to clean my floors. She's already quite the homemaker. So cute. The sad part is that Henry isn't so friendly to her. She's constantly trying to play with him and pick him up, but once he sees her coming he's off in the other direction. It breaks her poor, little heart.

Henry is obsessed with men lately. Only grandpa, daddy, and his uncles will do. He will come to me, usually, if no one else is around. Even if it's a guy he doesn't know very well, Henry will lunge for him. It was cute at first, but has started to hurt my feelings. I was asking RJ if it was my fault that he doesn't like girls. Have I given women a bad image somehow? No, it's not my fault, he insisted, but I have to wonder....

I am so thankful for this weather lately. It's gorgeous. I think a walk in on the agenda this afternoon...

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