Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Minnesota, Family, and IKEA

We're back from our little vacation. We were in the cute little town of Chatfield, MN from Friday afternoon until this morning. We spent a lot of time laughing with the kids, each other, and playing games. A great combination. I received a beautiful letter from my husband on Mother's Day and a little painting he and Henry did together. It was a good day.
Monday we went to Minneapolis with Ross and Piper and left the kids with the grandparents. It was a blast! We went to IKEA, the Mall (can't resist H&M), met some more family at a restaurant, and Trader Joe's. So, it was mostly about shopping and eating, but it was great conversation in the car and a great time finding bargains. I love that Minneapolis.

It was so fun to watch all the grand kids together since it had been so long. They're a funny little group. (pictures to follow)

Henry has finally learned the word please. Yes! And his use of the word, "mine" got progressively worse over the weekend. Not so yes. Everyone thought it was funny, but we're over the "thinking it's funny" stage. What do we do? Or do we just start buckling up for the next year because it's only going to get worse. Other than that, he had a great weekend which helped us enjoy our day on Monday and not worry about how Henry was doing.

Tonight we're just bumming around. We're pretty tired because there were late nights, bad sleeping, and early mornings. I'm very eager to sleep in our own bed tonight and hoping Henry sleeps in even a tiny bit tomorrow.

RJ has the rest of the week off. I'm so looking forward to it.....

Have a great Wednesday everyone!

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