Wednesday, May 7, 2008

my life the last few days.....phew

Here's a photo documentary of my last few days. Whenever I try to post a lot of pictures they get all out of order, so this is kind of a backwards-documentary.

Last night, about 12 ladies from church came over to my house and we made jewelry with a picture of Ruby to have a reminder to pray for her as she goes through chemo. I had a cousin-in-law come over who has a jewelry business and she brought along all her beads. It was a great time! Lydia and Ruby stopped for a bit too and it was great to see them. I love my Willow girls!

Saturday for supper we went to Frank's Pizza. IT WAS AMAZING. You must go! It's over by Drake. We just got a plain pizza with fresh mozzarella, basil and tomoatoes. That's all you need on a good pizza. It was so good I forgot to take a before picture. I tell ya what, if it weren't for needing some good Target runs, I could eat, shop, play, eat, eat, eat, within a 1 mile radius of our house for the rest of my life and be happy.

The after shot.

My favorite garage sale find from Saturday morning. Total cost= $3. It was too funny. Alisa and I hit the Waukee sales KIDLESS. Talk about a great time!

A mural I painted Thursday night and Friday afternoon. It wasn't my most talent-demanding job. I'm sure you can all trace circles and paint them in, but it was fun. The parents-to-be loved it and I will hopefully get some more jobs through them. I was nervous when I didn't hear back from them the second I was done-I'm so weird like that. I literally lost some sleep worrying about it!

Today was FREE at Jumpin Jacks. I was fearing a crazy-madhouse, but there were suprisingly not too many people there. It was fun to hang out with some killer ladies and watch the kids. It's been very busy here, but we've been having a blast. Phew! This weekend, we're off to Minnesota. Yippee!!!

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