Thursday, May 8, 2008

We leave tomorrow for the lovely state of Minnesota and won't get back until Tuesday. RJ then has the rest of the week off! Woo-Hoo! I can't wait to spend time with his family and see the kids together. We haven't all been together since last 4th of July. We're wwaaaaayyy overdue.

I've been sleeping poorly lately. I think I might try the "cry-it-out" on myself tonight. I'm tired. For no other reason than it's just my own darn fault. And I've got a bazillion things to get done before we leave which means I am paralyzed from doing any of it. Whenever I get overwhelmed I just shut off. Isn't that annoying? Yes, it is.

I'm getting my hair cut tonight at a little joint on Ingersoll. It could be drastic. I'm up for anything new. It's a part of my Mother's Day present. Yeah! The last time I got a cut was in November at Fantastic Sam's for $7. It's time, ladies. Pictures will be posted.

A'ight, I'm going to start some cookies for the weekend. Chocolate Chip and Apricot Oatmeal. Hopefully Henry keeps sleeping.....


  1. Girl! You're going to look hot. Looking forward to seeing the photos.

  2. Happy Mother's Day! My present was a haircut too! I was desperate to get it cut, I took all 3 kids--augh! Thankfully Calli came to my rescue! My nappy, tucked behind my ear, bell shaped frizz ball is gone! Yeah! It feels great! I'm super excited to see your new cut! Have a great weekend!
