Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's not done yet, but I was too excited to wait! I still have to work on the curtains and it's going to be an annoying task. I got beach mats at Big Lots for $1 each, but the edging on them is a light blue so I'm painting over them in black. Annoying. Then we have dowels to hang them up with and I'm going to tie them up with a black ribbon. So all in all, it's going to be 11 curtains for $20. I don't think I could do it any cheaper if I tried, but painting the edge black is driving me crazy! Hopefully we'll get it done this weekend. Everything in the room is either hand-me-down or garage sale or things I wasn't using in the house anymore. I always like doing projects that way. Sure I could have made it nicer by picking out new things exactly how I wanted them, but what's the fun in that?

Don't you want to come over and sip lemonade and play a chess game with me (there's a checker/chess board on the little table)? Because of the positioning of the porch it actually stays cooler than the house some days. Come on, it'd be fun!

Pretty sad it took us almost 3 years to do this, huh?? I'm trying to find a before picture from when we first moved in. It was a little scary!


  1. It's beautiful! You are such a great decorator!

  2. so cute, I would love to come over and hang out on your porch!! Next house we get is going to have a fun porch.

  3. SO COOL! I wish I had more time/energy to do stuff like that. I love home improvement projects, decorating, etc. Not that I'm the greatest at it, but I love seeing OTHER people's stuff, I've been getting into a bunch of blogs of these home interior women, it's so fun to look at! You've inspired me to find something to do around our house! =)
