Friday, June 13, 2008

This was one of our busiest weeks and it went fast. RJ is cleaning tonight and Henry is already in bed because of the long week, so I'm having a movie night alone. So sad, huh. There's a Red Box at Dahl's and I love it. Nothing beats a $1 movie....that is if we return it in time....
Growing up and then through college I was happy with a good blockbuster. Nice and cheesy, romantic and sweet. (not saying there's anything wrong with this) When I met RJ, he introduced me to independent films, documentaries, and foreign films and I've loved it, but every now and then I just need some good cheese. When I watch a movie alone, it can not be even slightly scary, it can't be something I might want to watch with him, and it can't be too depressing, so that leaves really smelly cheese. A couple of weeks ago it was No Reservations and I enjoyed it. I enjoy anything remotely to do with cooking. Tonight it's, P.S. I Love You. I'm not expecting much other than to be entertained for a couple of hours so hopefully it does the trick.

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