Monday, June 2, 2008

What a great weekend! It kind of started on Thursday when RJ surprised me with a date and a babysitter lined up. We went out to eat at Raccoon River and dessert at a new French restaurant downtown called Django. It was so great to have a nice, long evening to talk and eat good food. Our favorite things to do. It's been a great five years being married to someone I love so much. I have lots of gushy feelings and thoughts about how wonderful it's been, but I'll keep those private.:)

Our actually 5 year anniversary was on Saturday. It started by Henry waking us up at exactly 5:55. Isn't he a clever little fella? We went on a nice walk to the bakery, hung out the rest of the day, and then went out with some friends to celebrate. Chef's Kitchen, Snookies for dessert, and Mars Cafe for coffee with a strange Russian "mockumentary" and some crazy loud techno music. It was really fun and a really late night. We slept for a few hours and got up really early to go see Grandma and Grandpa Charlton in Waterloo and then to a big Junker bash. Grandma and Grandpa Junker found out they will have to tear down their house. It was hard on Grandma at first, but they were doing really good yesterday. They want to put up a modular home and hope to get it all ready to live in within a few months. I pray it does go that quickly and smoothly.

Phew, so that was our weekend. Nothing too exciting planned for this week other than trying to watch the season finale of LOST. We set up a little movie theater in the office last night and couldn't get it to play on the computer. What disappointment. Hopefully it will work tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary!!! Seems like just yesterday you guys were heading into Des Moines on a snowy evening...
