Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The countdown is on. We're leaving Friday morning for Galena and I just can't wait! It's going to be one of those busy vacations, but I'm still looking forward to it. My mom said she'd stay at the hotel with Henry after he falls asleep so hopefully RJ and I can sneak away for a date or 2 at night, which is what I'm most excited for! Of course I'm looking forward to seeing family, but seriously? Nothing beats a date with my honey.

Today is my last day watching Zach and it's going really well. We ventured to the mall and had the playland all to ourselves and then the boys did great while I looked around the stores. Now they're laying down and I'm going to clean. Excellent.

I went to a really nice baby shower last night at church and it made me excited for a baby again. I'm always saying I don't like newborns and blah-blah-blah, but I'm ready now. Really, newborns are sweet and sleepy and cuddly and sweet, sweet, sweet.
What's not to like about that?

I had the most enjoyable time with my little Henry this morning. We had a couple of hours before Zach got here and he was in the greatest mood. He's gradually gotten cuddly later and is in kind of a clingy stage, which has taken some getting used to, but in a way I really enjoy it. I love his goofiness. His crazy, wild, where-in-the-world-did-you-come-from, goofiness. And I love how he'll take a break from being crazy to come give me a hug and then go right back to what he was doing. He's going to be exactly 18 months on the 4th. Crazy!

1 comment:

  1. Have a great time in Galena! I've never been there, but I hear it's beautiful. I'd love to see pictures! Enjoy your date nights, too!
    Also--I'd just like to add that Henry will be getting $1,000,000 for coming to me (a girl!). Yeah, Henry! Actually, that's not great if he loves men...and me. Thanks for the complex, Henry! Just kidding! I think he knows a crazy kid-loving mom when he sees one!
