Monday, July 14, 2008

Me, Me, ME!

I am….child of God. Wifey to RJ. Mommy to Henry. Daughter to Arly and Barb, sister to Erica and Aaron, etc, etc,

I want…to sleep an entire night without waking up.

I wish…gas were cheaper

I hate…iced tea

I miss…RJ all day long

I feel...a bit tired, excited for time with RJ after Henry goes to bed EARLY tonight, content.

I fear…things I have no control over, but am working on that!

I hear…Henry goofing off while RJ gives him his bath.

I smell…the usual smell an old house has.

I crave…pop and candy.

I search…craigslist.

I wonder…who will win the election?

I regret…not making reading a habit when I was younger.

I love…Hello?!?! Jesus, RJ, Henry, and all my family and friends. Of course!

I ache…when I sleep poorly.

I care…about you.

I always…like going out to eat, but don't always get to do it.

I am not…book smart.

I believe…i can fly.....

I dance…like no one is watching. Barf! There is no phrase I dislike more than that one. Sorry folks.

I the shower, in the car, at home...

I cry…more than I used to and once I start I can't stop.

I don’t always...have a clean house.

I fight…uh, never? More like disagreements and even those are few and far between.

I write…on my blog.

I never…want to eat a grapefruit.

I listen…to our new record player. We've inherited a killer record collection from grandparents. I love it! I love that scratchy sound it makes.

I need…haircut. My bangs are in my eyes.

I am happy…quite often. Why waste our time being all bent out of shape?

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