Thursday, July 24, 2008


I'm way pumped right now because we just came up with the most genius idea. After having success selling a small Sticks piece on Craigslist, we decided to sell the big activity board I bought when I worked there. I have it in Henry's room above his changing station and nearly every day he grabs for it and I fear it's going to fall on him constantly. This thing weighs a ton, and I'm a little tired of it. SO we thought if we could sell it for some good money we could go on a fun vacation this fall! We were already planning on doing something in Minnesota so we could leave Henry at RJ's parents house, but this way we could really have fun. Maybe Minneapolis AND Duluth!!! I guess I should see if it actually sells before I get too excited, huh. Yeah, wish me luck.
I'm starting it at $950. Don't you all want to buy it?? :) The prices for Sticks pieces is pretty incredible, but once you realize how many people work on each piece and how many hours are spent on each piece, it makes sense. The crazy thing is, is that $950 would still be a pretty good deal!
This week went incredibly fast and I really excited for this weekend. Nothing really planned, but that will be nice. Have a great Friday!

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