Sunday, August 24, 2008

We had a great day Friday and Saturday, and I don't mean this in a bad way, but Saturday was the longest day of my life. When everyone is up and at 'em by 6:30 it's amazing what you can get done! We went to the Junker's new house in Parkersburg. They could not be happier with it and we're so happy for them too that they no longer have to live in someone else's basement and have a place to call home! They still have landscaping to do and build a garage, but otherwise they're all set. We went in to Waterloo to visit RJ's other grandparents and went out to eat. It's sure nice having so much family in the same area.

Hope you are all enjoying your Sundays! RJ is cleaning and Henry and I are heading outside to ride his scooter. What a gorgeous day.

Henry found a ton to play with as we sorted through all their stuff.
Pop-pop hiding in the cupboards.
Helping Pop-pop while daddy was crawling under the house.
Helping mommy paint some pretties.
The end!

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