Monday, September 1, 2008

Good Labor Day! But no pictures....:( We had a great weekend with RJ's family. Played games, chatted, went for a hike, grilled, and went out to eat, out to eat, out to eat. RJ's parents left after lunch today and then the 3 of us took big naps. It was great. Henry's in bed already to make up for 3 nights of staying up past his bed time and not sleeping too well through the night. And now tomorrow it's back to normal. RJ goes back to work, but it's already Tuesday so the week will go quickly!

We have nice, free weekends until the end of Sept when we're heading up to MN for the John Piper conference. Can't wait!

Cheers to Labor Day.

1 comment:

  1. I love the polling for baby Charlton's gender! Go baby girl! :)
