Monday, September 22, 2008

My little boy is sleeping and I'm waiting for RJ to get home so we can go to our baby appt! RJ came to the last one, but we thought it'd be fine to bring Henry with and because of that RJ was out of the room and didn't get to hear the heartbeat. So, he's very excited to hear it today. This is going to be one of those quick 5-minuters, but then my next appt is the big ultrasound when we get to find out what kind of baby we're having!! I can not wait. I'll leave my guessing/trips through the wives tales for another day though. I've got lots of ideas.....:)

I was in a Bible Study a couple of years ago with some great gals, and we've finally decided to start 'er back up again so the gang is coming over tonight. Should be a good time.

Alright, more baby talk later. Happy Monday and Happy Fall!

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