Monday, September 29, 2008

So long Minnesota!

What a fantastic time! We got to Chatfield Tuesday evening to RJ's parent's house and Henry cried happy tears when he saw his Pop-pop. It was great to see my in-laws and catch up with them. Wednesday RJ's dad, RJ, Henry and I went to Lansboro and took a scenic route back to Chatfield. It is such a gorgeous area with lots of little towns with adorable little cafes. It's so hilly and lovely.

Thursday, RJ and I said goodbye to Henry at around 9 and left for Minneapolis. We started off at the Aster Coffee Shop by the stone arch bridge. One of the many places I love about that city. It's so beautiful! Then it was off to Uptown to our favorite bookstores and used clothing store. A French film matinee at the Edina theatre and the Edina Creamery for dessert. Supper at the Convention Grill and then to RJ's aunt and uncle's house to visit and get some rest. It was a perfect day. We made great decisions and enjoyed every bit of it. When we have so many favorite places to go and only get up there once or twice a year, it's really hard to decide on what to do! Friday morning we headed over to Grand Ave in St. Paul. Had breakfast at the Amore Coffee and walked up and down Grand. I love this area also. It was a gorgeous day for walking. We got a baguette for lunch and then headed to meet our friends at IKEA/MOA for some shopping before the conference started. The Desiring God conference was great. We heard awesome sermons by some incredibly passionate speakers. I am planning on listening to them all again! I'm sure I'll blog about things I learned in the days/weeks to come....
After the conference on Sunday we all headed to Stillwater for lunch and then RJ and I said our goodbyes and went back to Chatfield to see our little boy whom I missed so much! It was so great to have alone time with RJ. SO great. Really, quite amazing. My favorite part of all of it was just walking around, talking without being interrupted, and just good, free fun. But 3 1/2 days without little Henry is a long time. It's our longest in fact. When we left today, RJ's mom repeatedly thanked us for leaving him there and asked when we're doing it again. How's that for an open invitation????

I'm off to bed, folks. RJ has the day off tomorrow as well so I need to be rested up for a party-good time in our good ol' city.


St. Anthony Main area by the Stone Arch Bridge
Cafe Amore
Baguette for lunch
My favorite. Diners.
Best ice cream EVER!
We saw so many great independent films at this theatre. I love it.

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