Monday, October 6, 2008


Happy Monday!

Today is a great day. Henry has been so fun the last few days. I now realize that he's been a little "off" for the last few months. Or so it feels. Not a constant crabbiness by any means, but very sensitive, clingy, and not his usual happy self. Sometimes you just don't realize it until they are acting normal and happy again. All 4 of those stinking eye teeth have poked through now, so maybe that was the problem? He's pretty much sleeping better also. Score! We had to make him cry a few early mornings last week and I think it's paid off. Not fun, but worth it for all of us. Cuz I need my sleep too....Again, I didn't realize how tired I was until I actually got to sleep more. He's down for a nap and I'm seriously excited for our afternoon when he wakes up.

RJ's brother and wife are expecting a baby 10 days before us and we hadn't talked about names with them until last night. And could you believe that we have the SAME names for a boy and girl?? Their #1 boy name is one of our top contenders and one of their favorite girl names is RJ's top contender, but not quite mine. Uh, weird? It's Simon (love, love, love) and Cosette, which I think is beautiful, but I have some other favorites too. They find out today what they're having and I can not stinking wait to hear the news!!!

We had a great weekend with a fun Oktoberfest on Saturday with RJ's bro and fam and some friends. It was awesome.

I've got lots of painting projects to do this week and I'm meeting someone in their "downtown condo" Thursday to talk about a mural for their baby room. Yes, I'm freaking out.

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