Saturday, October 18, 2008

Henry finally fell asleep, RJ is out working, and I'm enjoying some nice time alone. My hands are freezing! We gave in and turned the heat on a bit this morning, but it takes a long time for an old house to warm up.

Girl. So strange. And exciting! During the first part of the ultrasound, we were talking about the baby saying, "he", and then switched to "she". The ultrasound technician remembered us from our one with Henry. She's super nice and looks just like Catherine Zeta-Jones with short hair. Seriously. It's been weird to not have to think of boy names anymore, though we'll have a back up just in case! And it's been fun to focus on girl names. Favorites so far: Stella, Collette, and Jane. And no matter what, the middle name will be Bloom (my maiden name). I've wanted to use that for years, but wasn't sure if I'd be able to. My mom and I went shopping after the ultrasound for a baby gift for one of her friends so of course I looked at the girly stuff. I have to admit, I like baby boys clothes better, but I'm sure I'll get used to the pinkness and love it too.

My heart is going to purely melt to see RJ holding his little girl. The same that it did to see him holding his son. It's so awesome to watch your husband become a father.

Now, on to my sweet baby boy. Henry had a horrible night Thursday and RJ brought him in to the doctor while I painted little faces at our MOPS carnival. Turns out he had himself a good ear infection. Poor little guy. He's already acting so much happier and being goofy. The season is just beginning.....runny noses, colds, flus, and sore ears. Oh joy.

What am I doing blogging on a gorgeous Saturday?!?! I'm off. Happy Day!


  1. I just discovered your blog and I love it (and the music)! I'm so happy for you that you're having a girl. Henry will be such a good big brother for a little sister. See you tonight!

    - katie

  2. I am so happy for you. How fun to have one of each! Henry will make a great older brother and I am sure he will be great at protecting his baby sister. For us, girl's names are so much easier, we always agree on those. Congrats again, I am also very glad to hear she is healthy and growing properly!
