Sunday, November 9, 2008

Christmas is in the air....

Isn't it great!? This is our first Christmas season with a record player and we have inherited a lot of Christmas records. I love it. Normally, we don't start up the Christmas tunes until after Thanksgiving, but there's just something about that old scratch of a record that we just couldn't resist. Well, I would play Christmas music all year round, but that's just me...

The first song on my new music list is from one of my favorite Christmas albums by Sufjan. I adore it.

We had a great weekend! MOPS was excellent Friday morning. That night we stayed home and didn't do much, which is always nice. Saturday I went to a great baby shower and then helped a friend who had an art booth at Two Rivers. Tonight we had a church gathering at Walnut Woods in a shelter with a huge fire place. Good times.

Our ultrasound is this Friday and I'm so looking forward to it! We have a new girl name on our list now.......:)

Have a great week, everyone.

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