Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

For the first time ever, we've decorated before Thanksgiving. We've also been listening to a ton of Christmas music on our record player and watching lots of Christmas movies. Don't worry. I won't forget about Thanksgiving...I love that holiday too....but I was so excited to come home from an outing on Saturday and see that RJ had gotten the decorations out. This is looking to be the best Christmas ever....
We've cut back a ton on presents this year and I've really enjoyed it. RJ and I have a $10 limit for each other. The adults on my side aren't doing presents, but "adopting" a child instead, and instead of adult presents on RJ's side, we're getting a hotel room in Minneapolis. So it's just a few presents for our nieces and nephews and I've had a great time picking them out. I love the simplicity of it and I love looking forward to the basics of the season. Obviously, focusing on Christ's birth and hopefully finding some great pageants and cantatas to go to at some near-by churches.....driving around looking at Christmas lights.....sitting at home by the tree and listening to music....baking cookies for friends.....and not waking up with a "holiday" hangover because things got too hectic. Yes!

We had a fantastic weekend! Friday, I had a great time with some moms at a MOPS play date, babysat Friday afternoon, and went to a great party that night for our Adult Bible Fellowship class. Saturday my mom and sister were in town and we went shopping all day and then RJ and I went out with some friends for Chinese. Today....we skipped church...and had one of our best family days ever. Played at home, walked to the park, went out for ice cream, and watched a Christmas movie. After being so busy it was nice to just enjoy each other and take it easy.
Hope you all had a great weekend as well!

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