Monday, December 22, 2008

We're Ba-aaaccckkkk.

This face cracks me up. He's wearing a sweatshirt of mine from when I was little. My mom didn't save much, but so glad she saved this!!
Did lots of running around.
New favorite food. Cheese Balls. I am pledging right here and now that he will never see another one until next Christmas. He gets obsessed with them!
Henry's most favorite toy ever.
Jude, Henry, Olivia and Sophia. Buds.
Olivia and Sophia having a dance party.

Going for a spin. He loved it!

Miss Sophia blinded by the sun.

Sledding down the hill with daddy!

What a great week we had in Minnesota! We left last Monday and got back last night. We got there around 9:30 and let Henry play before we put him back to bed. He was in a fantastic mood and then he suddenly started crying and came to me and threw up. He did this 2 other times in about 1/2 an hour and then that was it. He woke up completely normal and hyper the next day and never acted sick again. Thank goodness. I don't know if it was something he ate or a very quick flu bug, but when it started I think we were all envisioning a horrible week of everyone getting sick! He seems to come up with a sudden illness every time we go to Minnesota. Kind of weird.

Our surprise attack at the airport was a great success and it was so good to Ross, Piper, and Sophia. RJ's oldest brother and family joined us on Thursday. We played a lot of games, ate a lot of food, went sledding, and of course did some shopping! On Saturday we left early for Minneapolis even though the weather was a bit questionable. We knew we could make it but just weren't sure if we could make it back. We decided it was worth the risk. And it was! We all went to IKEA and enjoyed a very small crowd there, the likes of which I've never seen. I got some great stuff for Henry's big boy room and the nursery and I can't wait to get them started, which I plan to do after New Year's. Of course it is so fun to think about decorating a little girl's room since it's so natural to like girly things, but I'm trying really hard to put as much effort into every detail of my little boy's room too. The best part was that the funds were from the Sticks piece I sold so in a way it felt like "free" money. We also went to the Big Mall of course, and the kids swam that day and the next morning. Henry did really well with it and it was so great to see since he had been scared of the pool last summer. We headed back down on Sunday afternoon to try and get through the blizzard in day light. There were some areas where we couldn't see too well, but the roads weren't bad at all so it only took us an extra 30 minutes. All in all, it was great! I love spending time with RJ's family. The children get along well and so do us adults. Henry loves his Pop-pop and it's so fun to see the two of them. I just wish we could all be together more than twice a year! Henry only went to bed at his 7:00 bedtime once all week, so he's already down for his nap and I'm hoping for a nice long one......
The clothes got unpacked and went straight into the washing machine so we can get ready for our next trip up to my parent's house. I'm really looking forward to that as well....especially to see my new baby niece!
Hope you all had a great weekend. This Christmas season has been such a joyous one for our family and I hope it has for yours as well.

1 comment:

  1. Henry looks like he enjoys every minute away with cousins! Glad you had a fun trip!
