Tuesday, January 6, 2009


After a very long struggle with nap time today, the boy is finally asleep. I should probably be more thankful that he is such a good napper, but instead, the one time he won't take one I freak. I guess I can be pretty stubborn sometimes and when I'm cranky because of bad sleep that makes it worse. He has been sleeping wonderfully for a long time now, but the last week has started awakening early yet again and it makes me tired. But why do I keep expecting to sleep well when I have a young child? Shouldn't I be used to this by now??? And don't remind me, I know I'll be starting all over with no sleep in a very short while. Yikes. So it's beautifully quiet in the house now. My major bad mood has passed, and I got in a nice phone conversation while completely ignoring my son. I figure that's totally fine every now and then.
This month seems to already be going quickly for which I am thankful because January can be kind of a downer. February, however, is the bomb and I can't wait for it. I may not be so excited when I turn 29, but I'll think about that later. Seriously, don't I seem way too immature to almost be 30?!


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