Sunday, January 25, 2009

Is it really this easy??

My parents came down yesterday with my old twin bed for us to use for Henry's big boy room. I was worried that it might be a hard transition, but we laid him down at 7:00 and didn't hear a peep until 6:30. Awesome! Nap time, I thought for sure would be a struggle. We laid him down a little bit ago and I just peeked in and he's sound asleep without a peep. Surely this won't last, will it? Or will it! For today, anyways, I'll mark it as a success and be happy. If he gets out of his bed during nap time later this week? Well, I'll deal with it then. And YEAH for now!


  1. Yeah Henry! That's awesome! Hope you have a great week, too!

  2. Good for you guys! It was "just that easy" for us too. Drew had no problems at all! That's so good for you with the baby coming and all!! :) Yay Henry!
