Monday, January 12, 2009

A Sneak Peek.....

A sneak peek into the nursery.... painting was a gift from a friend on my last day at Sticks.
A sneak peek into this cool dude's big boy room. Notice his little jacket--it was RJ's when he was little--so cute. Yes, the rooms have some of the same color, but the nursery is two-toned. And now that 5 out of the 7 rooms in my house are some shade of blue, I am a happy camper. Check out that sweet lamp shade. I got it for only $20 at Pier One!!! Psh, or try for $1 at a garage sale. Oh yeah. That's much more how I roll.

Random photo of Henry's birthday party in Ft. Dodge with my parents.

He sure misses opening so many presents.
I have to say, I've enjoyed this last bit of snow. I like winter. I'm ready for it to be done by the end of February, but for now I like it. And seriously, if it's going to be cold out, the earth might as well be covered in some beautiful snow.
We had a great weekend and got lots done on the rooms for the little ones. I still have a lot left to do, but I've loved working on things for our own house for once! Hopefully this weekend I'll completely finish both rooms and I'll do the final reveal. I should get everything done because......Henry is going to Pop-pop and Grandma's house! He's leaving Thursday night with his cousins and coming back on Sunday night. Of course I'll miss him, but I'm sure I don't need to explain how nice it is every now and then to do whatever we want and go on as many dates as we can pack into one weekend and SLEEP IN. It's also a busy weekend with MOPS, an appt, and hosting a baby shower at my house, so it will all work out really well.

Henry started going to the 2s and 3s class at church last week and he loves it. Yesterday on the way home, he was singing "shepard boy" over and over and I looked at his little papers and sure enough, it was about David the shepard boy. Oh, this mamma was so proud. It was so sweet. It's so amazing to watch your children grow and learn.
Pregnancy is still going really well. I've felt good lately, still sleeping poorly, but getting in some naps here and there.
Hope you all enjoy this snowy day. Have a happy week!


  1. love the decorating so far! : ) & so glad you are feeling well!

  2. I can't wait to see the final reveal of the rooms! Very cute so far! I'm so glad Henry liked his new sunday school class. I think it's cute that he and Addie are in the same class now - and come September, Addie will move out and Millie will move in! Have a great weekend with your FREEDOM!
