Saturday, February 21, 2009

Big Boy Room ..... DONE!

I loved working on this room, but very glad to be all done with both rooms! Now just a couple of more paintings orders I need to get done and then I'm hanging up the brushes for a bit. Ahhhhh.....

Henry is napping and RJ is working and I'm about to take a nap myself. We stayed out until midnight last night and had a ton of fun, but I'm sure tired today! Well worth it, though.

The rest of our day will probably be quiet and lazy. I need it.

I had an ultrasound at my appt yesterday to confirm the head is down. It is, and it was really fun to see her sweet little face. Her cheeks look a little chubby and she might have some big lips. It gave me a new excitement to meet her and at the same time a new energy to be more patient while waiting.

Alright. I"m off to bed. Have a great rest of your weekend!


  1. Oh. my. gosh.!!!!! LOVE the big boy room!!!! Kaeden is obsessed with superman, and he LOVES popeye as well. How the heck did you do that? I could never do that!! So cute!

  2. Did you paint those Superman and Popeye pictures? AMAZiNG! Very cute/cool room! That's exciting that the baby's head is in position! Can't wait to see that precious little darling!

  3. It was really easy--just used a projector! Seriously easy. There's also one of The Lone Ranger, but it's the least exciting one so I didn't post it.

  4. I LOVE Henry's room! You are so creative! I'm pretty sure you can use a projector better than the average person! Thanks for posting pictures!
    *I can't wait to meet this baby girl, too! She is going to be beautiful!*

  5. Awesome - so one more question...did you print the image from the computer onto a transparency then? (for the projector)

  6. Yes, I printed it on to a transparency. I didn't do much detail with painting the colors, but once you outline everything in black and give it black shadows it gives it that "cartoon" look.
