Thursday, February 5, 2009


After an interesting day yesterday, I was a little nervous about how today would go, but it's been a goodie. We got pictures taken at Portrait Innovations yesterday and managed to get one good shot through all his nervousness and whining. Poor boy. Turns out he was exhausted and fell asleep in his stroller a little later at the mall which is something he hasn't done in at least a year! I was so proud of myself for walking out with only purchasing the 9.95 package. I can't believe how many pictures you get for that cheap!

We're heading off to meet RJ for lunch. We had bought $50 worth of coupons for My Favorite Muffin for $25 and this is the first time we're using it. I'm pumped! And it's really close to RJ's work so we don't have to rush.

Anyways, hope you're all having a great day. Henry and I are just chillin and putting lotion on our baby sister. Aka our bellies. It must be so confusing for little kids to understand that they don't have a baby in their belly too!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be excited to see your pictures! I'm sure they're adorable. That's so cute that Henry's putting lotion on his baby sister! He's going to be such a good big brother. Hope you enjoyed your lunch with RJ!
