Friday, March 13, 2009

Okay. I'm ready for this baby! We still haven't packed our bags, but Henry's stuff is waiting for him at his cousin's house so at least one of us is ready. I finished the painting Henry and I started, but you'll have to wait to see her first name. And how sweet is this outfit??!! Someone had made us that hat for Henry and I came across it the other day. Sweet cherries.

I can't wait to hold her in my arms. Will she look like Henry? Or more like daddy or mommy? I barely remember Henry at this age. They get big way too fast, huh?
RJ's mom will be in town tonight and tomorrow so we'll have a fun family night tonight and then a bridal shower to go to tomorrow. Should be a great weekend. Hope you all have a great one too!


  1. Come on, baby "? Bloom!" We're all patiently waiting to see your beautiful little face!! And yes, that outfit is adorable. I'm sure you'll get some great pics with that on her! And I love how you finished Henry's painting. Great idea! Have a good weekend (hopefully in the hospital...)!

  2. Can't wait to meet her and I am excited I haven't missed her arrival yet. Maybe a St. Patty's day baby?

  3. So Sweet! I'm stealing the computer every chance I get to check on this little baby's arrival! Praying for you!!!
