Monday, March 30, 2009

Our First Week....

We've been doing a lot of sleeping. She has 2 of these swaddle blankets. They are AMAZING. The blanket she is laying on was mine when I was little. Sweet.

These are our gifts we came home with from the hospital. It was a lot of work to get it all put away, but was so fun! We've got some great family and friends.
I love the awake moments.
Hated her first bath.
My family was in town and got a hotel room. Henry used to be so scared in the pool and now he *loves* it.
Getting ready for our first trip back to church. Of course she had to wear a dress!

It's a lot of work looking so cute.
Henry is doing great as a big brother.

First day home without daddy. It's going well.

Our little cowboy.


  1. I got those swaddling blankets for my boys too. They work like a dream, keeps them all nice and tight. We also love them at our house!
    Looks like things are going pretty well...I hope they continue that way.

  2. I love her in her "church dress!" I missed seeing her yesterday because we had to sneak out early. I'm sure you were just bombarded by people anyways! Again, she's sooo beautiful! I hope she keeps sleeping well for you!

  3. Abby - she is BEAUTIFUL! And Henry looks just darling in his cowboy attire. Glad to see she loves the swaddle blanket - I think it's my new best piece of advice for anyone expecting. :) Layla's all cozied in her's right now too. Looks like it's going well - so glad for you!

  4. Harper looked beautiful yesterday! She is such a pretty baby! I'm so glad to hear things are going well! We were BIG fans of swaddling but never had the cool blankets! Hope your week keeps going well!

  5. Wow Abby, she is so beautiful! I hope you are doing well. Can't wait to meet little Harper!
