Monday, March 2, 2009

You know how you let some things go for a long time even though you know it's not a good thing?

Henry is trying to fall asleep without his nigh-night (pacifier). We should have given it up long ago, but he just used it to sleep for the last 6 months and just adores it.

Hopefully it doesn't take too much crying....poor little dude. I feel bad that it's my fault for him being a pacifier-addict and it's really sad when he's in there crying "nigh-night PLEASE."


  1. I hope your night didn't go too bad! Sometimes they surprise you and it doesn't take as long as you think it will to break it. Hope you have a great day today!

  2. Oh, I remember those nights... Hopefully he'll be over it soon! And if you're a bad mom for letting him have it that long (and we all know you're not!) then I am too. Addie had hers at bedtime until she was 2 and Millie still has hers at 18-months. I figure I'll let her have it until she turns 2 too. Hopefully I'm not setting her up for devastation...

  3. How did it go? My brother tied his kids' pacifiers to a door knob--then kept shortening the string. It was funny but worked! Hope things went well!
