Monday, April 20, 2009

Best and Worst

Harper had her best night ever on Friday and only woke up once. Awesome! Harper had her worst night ever last night and I don't think slept longer than an hour at a time. Not so awesome. But this morning while she was lying in bed with me she let out a ton of smiles. Very awesome.
*Update* My momma is always telling me how much babies like to sleep on their tummies, but everyone else in this world tries to scare you from doing it. Henry slept on his tummy once he could roll onto it himself at about 5 months and still does it. Well, I tried it for naps today and she's sleeping beautifully. Quietly...aka, no grunting. Hopefully it works tonight too!*

We had a great weekend. We've been really busy lately so it was nice to have a Saturday all to ourselves. We started with a trip to Great Harvest Bread Company. I'm in love with this place and it's only a few blocks from our house. Then we just played in the porch for most of the day. It's Henry's current obsession and is great this time of year before it gets too hot. We also went downtown to the library and ran into our family and chatted out in the nice sun while Henry and his cousin ran around. It was just all around lovely.

We went to our first outdoor garage sale on Friday. I knew there would be a lot of toys so I told Henry that he could get one. After all, it was our first one! He got a new fire truck.
The obsession. The porch and playing with pasta. He can do this for hours. It's great! I lock the screen door, open the window from the living room and leave the front door open so he can get in and out and I can hear him. He loves to wear his cowboy hat. 9 times out of 10 this is how he chooses to put it on.
Hope you all have a great Monday!! Harper will be one month on Thursday. Pictures of her to come....

1 comment:

  1. excellent!! That pasta business is such cheap, fantastic entertainment!!
