Monday, April 13, 2009


What a great, busy weekend! We had an awesome Good Friday service at church, went to introduce Harper to both sets of Great-Grandparents on Saturday, and enjoyed a lovely Easter Sunday with our church family and friends. Our Easter service was great, but I forget that with a new baby you miss most of the church.....

After all the fun and late nights (and too much candy) we're having a rough start to our day. One of the days when you look at the clock and are amazed at how slowly the time is going! So we're going to try some early naps (all 3 of us) and hope that helps.

Can't wait for the nice weather this week! Looking forward to some good times at the park.

Gotta love little baby girl shoes.
And flowers.

My favorite little boy and girl combo. Ever.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of Henry and Harper. He looks so grown up and she is getting so big!! Missed you all on Easter but hope to see you in a couple of weeks. xoxo
