Sunday, May 3, 2009

We had a lovely weekend.

Harper and I went to a ladies retreat for most of the day on Saturday. It was a great and refreshing time with my church girlfriends. While we were there, RJ and Henry and his cousin Jude went to the circus and apparently had a great time as well. I really wish I could have gone too, but I'm so glad they got some good boy time alone. After the circus they went to George the Chili King for a hot dog. It really couldn't have gotten any better for that little boy. The next morning Henry woke up saying, "Daddy! Where ARE you?" So it was a great couple of days. The kids were in good moods. We all got in some good naps. I also hit a couple of good garage sales. :)

And it all makes me feel ready to start a new week.

My baby girl looked so sweet today.
My little peanut.
Mommy: "Henry, lean in closer to Harper."
Henry: "No, I lean this way."
Gotta love it.


  1. I love those pictures!! Such a sweet little dress on a sweet little girl. Send them to me by e-mail so I can get some prints. XOXO
