Thursday, June 18, 2009


Today I went to the fancy mall and got a free $10 gift card. Don't know if they'll still have any left, but if you sign up, maybe you can get one for yourself.

The word on the street is that Frank's Pizza is moving.......closer to our house! When we first read the article, there was no clue as to where they were going. I've had my fingers crossed that it wouldn't be out in the burbs. Thank goodness. You guys already have this place, so we need Frank's to stay here. But nothing beats my all time favorite pizza joint in the cities.

I'm enjoying adding links lately. I think it's fun.

So yes, we joined Sam's. It makes me feel a little dirty, but have to admit that I love it. I can spend hours looking around that place. They have a summer deal for a $15 membership so we thought we'd give it a try to see if we use it enough to make a yearly membership worth it. If so, we may switch over to Costco. Thoughts? Anyways, it's gotten me into a major cooking mood. I love buying a big bag of peppers because then I have to come up with lots of ways to use them throughout the week. We bought a huge pork loin and cut it up and froze it. I grilled one of them on Monday. Amazing.

Since it rained the day we had free tickets to Adventureland for RJ's work day, they gave us a new set of tickets to use whenever we want. Holy cow. This makes me excited! We had so much fun and were pretty bummed to leave so we can't wait to go back!

No pictures today. Gotta get busy!


  1. To answer your question...I kind-of make the headbands. I buy the crotchet headband on etsy, and then stick my own flower on it. i've also used a pair of tights, cut into a headband strip, to make my own. What about you? Harper is a doll!

  2. When we lived in Windsor Heights we had a Sam's Membership and we loved it. I didn't think there was anything dirty about it?! ;) haha. Costco and Sam's are very similar, the only reason we have a Costco one now is b/c it's closer. You will totally, totally make the yearly membership worth it, even if you just buy diapers there. If you do the math, you'll be shocked at how much you save on diapers and toilet paper, paper towels, stuff like that! PS - how is Jillian treating you? I did Level 2 today and I swear to you, no joke, I almost died! Not kidding! I have no words to even describe it! =)

  3. hey, have you seen this blog? I thought of you when I started following it - so many cute and fun baking ideas!!!

  4. Thanks for the tip on the gift card--I darted down there on Sat. in between loads of laundry! :)
    COSTCO--we love it! I have Sam's through church, but haven't found super great deals there. Costco has *clearance* items and the people are super, super friendly! That's my 2 cents...

  5. OK, so I got the free mall gift card, followed up on Frank's moving, gave my 2 cents worth on Sams and Costco, and now we're heading to Adventureland next Monday with the whole family...I guess I just need another glimpse into Abby's life! Just kidding! Hope you're having a great summer!!! Harper is just growing to quickly--but my-oh-my is she CUTE!!!
