Monday, June 1, 2009

Trader Joe's

Stop what you're doing right now. Go to, select the contact us section, then the email us section and select the location request and request it for our city! Seriously, if you've never been to one before, they are the best. I've been a few times up in the cities and we went again this past weekend. It's cheap, healthy, unique, and just plain awesome. Seriously. Do it now!

Sorry I've been a blogger downer lately. We don't have our regular computer hooked up to our cable right now and we're just using our laptop so I'm not able to download photos. And I don't so much like blogging without photos. So maybe someday I'll get better again.

We had a blast last week in MN! We stayed in a hotel with a water slide, spent time with lots of family, and went to a beautiful wedding. RJ had today off as well, but tomorrow is back to normal. Hope you all have a great week!

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