Thursday, July 16, 2009

Grandma, cousins, murals, shopping, fun, oh my!

What a fun week we had! RJ drove our family up to my parent's house on Saturday and only he went back home Sunday morning while me and the kids stayed until my mom brought us home today. We all had a great time! We got to go to my sister's house and play with all the cousins and were even able to get them to sit still for a picture. Went to the lake to play, did some shopping, did some painting projects, and relaxed. The kids are completely wiped out and went to bed early. Tomorrow Henry gets to go to Noah's pirate party and we can't wait! All the kids will be dressed like pirates. It's going to be the cutest thing. What a fun ending to an excellent week! Here are some pictures of our fun.

There was actually a picture where they're all looking, but this one is my favorite.
Harper and Elizabeth. It was so cute to see them together!

Elise and Ben could not get enough of their baby cousin. Everyone wanted to hold her and she was happy to be passed around.

I don't blame them. I just can't get enough of this sweet little girl either.

Henry had the time of his life with his older cousins. He copied everything they did.

We went to Storm Lake to a really cool park and went down to stick our feet in the water.

With cousin Jack.

The mural I painted for Elise's big girl room. She was pretty excited!

I painted this B at my parent's house.

We decided to paint the wall green. It was a little tedious to paint each section, but I like that kind of project. Strange, huh? I think the effort was totally worth it!

We stopped at a consignment store in Hartley on the way back from my sister's. The huge frame was $5 and the awesome-ly cool mirror was only $2. Stayed tuned for the "after". I can't wait to start working on this project! I don't know what it is about me and mirrors. I certainly don't like looking in them, but I just come across so many cool ones that I just have to buy.

Have a great Friday, everyone!


  1. i can't believe how big harper looks to me now! just a few wks ago i couldnt imagine my son being that little! haha! looks like you guys had fun!

  2. Oh my goodness, GREAT job on that mural behind the bed. Very, very sweet!
