Friday, July 3, 2009

Picture time...

Where's Harper?

On the way to her dedication. She's got some big eyes, eh?
Henry got a nice gash on his forehead during Sunday School.
Sick little boy got breakfast in bed this morning. He insisted I take a picture of his feet.
Just when I think Harper looks so big, I look in her room while she's sleeping and she looks so small.
She's been rolling on to her back, but I still haven't seen it. She'll just be lying there when I go in to get her. Already keeping secrets.


  1. Love the pictures! Keep 'em coming! :) Good name suggestions, BTW!

  2. Harper is so adorable, wait, so is Henry and the picture of his sick little feet. So cute!

  3. So cute! I love Harper's beautiful eyes! Her room is beautiful too--I think I need you to come critique and tweak my house!

  4. so sweet! kinsley also likes to sleep on her tummy like that. it's pretty much the only way she sleeps. i love when they have their rear end up in the air like that. adorable pictures.
