Friday, July 24, 2009


I'm not picky about much. Our Jeep has tape for a window, but it's just the car that gets RJ to and from work so it never has to go far. But we've started casually looking for it's replacement. And you know what I want? What I really really want? This:

Preferably a 97-2001ish Volvo Station Wagon.

It's true. I really want one. And the good news is that one of these in the years that I'd want are exactly in our price range so alls we have to do is look. And look and look and look.

1 comment:

  1. Sooo...tell me what you want, what you really really want...gotta love having that song stuck in my head every time I see a Volvo! ;) I do hope you get a new car! That would be tons of fun! I can see you sportin' up to garage sales in some new shiny wheels...stellar bargain momma! Hope you get one soon! (be's for the children's safety)
