Sunday, August 16, 2009

Grandma Junker passed away yesterday. It hit us a lot harder than we were expecting. We went up to Parkersburg for a big Junker reunion for lunch and then had a big birthday party for Grandpa Charlton at the same exact park for supper. Just one of the many perks of having 2 sides of the family from the same area! We found out at the end of the 2nd gathering. I'm sure it was not RJ's ideal to find out with so many people around (he's a private guy) but I'm thankful for the timing of it, so we could be around his *very* loving family. And it's times like those that make us all closer, ya know? RJ got to spend quite a bit of time at the hospital during the day and I'm so glad he did. When she passed away, all of her children had made it in time to spend those last moments with her. One of RJ's aunts commented on how special that was-that after bringing each one of them into the world, that they got to be with her at the very end. The timing of it all was really great. There was so much family in town because of the reunion so a lot of us were able to be together at the house that night. We're thankful that she is no longer suffering today and is with our Jesus! But we're sad too and will really miss her. She was a great lady and loved her family so much. We certainly haven't made every Junker gathering over the last few years, but that family sure knows how to party. There was constantly a Junker family gathering of some sort full of her good home cookin'.

Please pray for the family. She left behind a husband who loves her so much, and of course many others.

We got home pretty late last night and we ALL slept in this morning. Even Henry!! He went without a nap yesterday and didn't fall asleep in the car until 10. We went out for a late breakfast this morning and had some errands to run afterwards. He couldn't even keep his head up in the stroller so I had to hold him in the store. They're both still napping now...and I don't expect to hear a peep for a while.

*Oh, and the photo above is Henry. It's hard to tell sometimes! :)

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about RJ's grandma. I know how hard it can hit you even when you thought you were ready. We knew for a long time that my grandpa was close to dying and I felt really prepared, but when he actually died, it hit me really hard.

    I'm glad to hear she's with Jesus! We'll be praying for RJ and his family.
