Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Instant cure for a bad morning....

Things are getting better around here. Well, it always helps to put a fancy dress on, right? Got my other camera to download some pictures for once and put Harper in her new dress I got for $3 at a garage sale last week. It's for a wedding we have this fall....hopefully it still fits in 2 months! The sweet bonnet is actually for her Christmas dress. Yes, of course I already have her Christmas outfit.
If only they made this in adult size.
I think she likes it!
Oh, this sweet little thing. I kind of think she's going to be a girly girl.


  1. LOVE it! She is so cute though, that she could make ANY dress look adorable!

  2. adorable, those pictures made me laugh right outloud.

  3. Harper is just the cutest little girl! I love the dress and bonnet!!!
