Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I'm having the usual camera battery issues so no pictures, but I'm blogging anyways because I'm putting off cleaning my dining room, okay!! Okay.

We had a marvelous weekend at home that started with a beautiful bouquet of roses. Back when we were newly married, I told RJ not to worry about buying me flowers. Of course they're pretty, but I'd rather he spend the money on something else. However, when I get them out of the blue my heart melts a little bit. They're lovely.

This weather has been fan-tastic this summer (ignore today). So Saturday we went to the farmer's market. It's the first time we've gone this summer! I love that place, but so does everyone else in town, so we usually avoid it because of our weird fear of crowds. We decided to just ignore the crowds and it surprisingly didn't even bother us. Another problem we have with going is that we spend way too much money on snacks and produce. We managed to just get a couple of egg rolls, a pastry, and a killer bottle of locally made mustard. Side note: 2 of my favorite new tastes are becoming freshly ground black pepper and strong, for real, mustard. And I'm not talking French's.

Later in the day, I attempted my 3rd Angel Food Cake....and it actually turned out! I was thrilled and it was delicious. We brought it to a friends for dessert after they served us a really yummy supper. It was a great day.

Sunday was a good day with our church family, as usual. I love those people.

Today, we ran some errands at Target and then walked around the mall a bit. I took Harper out of her stroller so Henry could play at play land and she was completely soaked. That girl poops out of her clothes more than anyone I have ever known. Seriously! I don't remember this issue at all when Henry was a baby. Nearly every time I go to get her from her nap, she's made a mess. Oy. Not girly-like at all. Good thing she's so sweet. And can you believe she already has her first tooth?? *sniffle, sniffle*

Tonight our niece and nephew are coming to spend the night and I will hopefully be able to sneak away to the hospital to meet my friend's new baby boy.

1 comment:

  1. Dane used to poop and I mean blow out the back poop at least three times a day. I am not exagerating either. I would have stacks of onesies and outfits in the bathroom at the end of each day. It has finally slowed down and he rarely does now. It was so frustrating. At least he always pooped while he was eating so I would at least be able to expect and didn't get caught off guard too often.

    Huggies worked a little better because they have a pocket in the back, so it would go out the leg instead.
    Sorry that was a long comment about poop.
