Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Painting Sale!

Thanks for all the dress votes. #2 was my choice as well and the husband agreed. #1 may be going back exchange for an equally cheap, more casual dress that could be worn more everyday. You know all those cute long casual dresses with the funky prints. Yeah, one of those.
Alright, I'm starting to organize myself to start an etsy store. I've wanted to for a very long time! I may end up with 2. One with my alphabet paintings and last name paintings, and the other one with more funky collage "things" I make out of salvaged "stuff"...where my garage sale and thrift store shopping skillz come in handy. The latter is quickly becoming my more favorite thing to do, but of course I will always love to paint as well. The problem I'm having is that I would like a few better photos of what I've done so I'm going to be making a couple more to take better pictures might as well make them for you! :) Absolutely no pressure here. If this post makes you queasy or uneasy, please look away. But if you'd like I'm offering to do an alphabet painting (10"x20") for only $30 (regualrly $45) any color/style you'd like and last name paintings (20"x20") for only $25. They make a great wedding present! You don't have to choose from the ones I have...yon can give me any ideas you may have, or I can look at their registries to see their "style", etc.  I'll be making a black and white themed one for an upcoming wedding we have so I'll be posting that shortly as well. Of course no one has to order a thing! I'll still make a couple regardless....just wanted to put the offer out there.  

And quick check out these *awesome* etsy stores of a couple of blog world friends of mine. :)
Anyone else have an etsy store I should know about??
These are more what I have in mind for my collages, but of course they won't all be so girly and nursery-themed-ish. But the idea of old frames with lots of "stuff" added on.
Happy Wednesday, All!


  1. I'll be talking to you about a painting! I need something cool for my "non-funky" wall in Tate's nursery.

    By the way, you are awesome. Seriously, I LOVE your paintings and your funky collage-type thingies!

  2. Wow, you are amazing! If I had even an ounce of your creativity I would thank the Lord!

    If you start an etsy store, let me know -- I'll give you a shout out on my blog!

  3. I love your paintings and the funky collages! I think I'll check into those last name ones for Christmas presents...don't worry, I'm sure I'll find your etsy store! You are my favorite artist!

  4. Cuteness Abby! I always love your paintings, and those collages are darling! I gave you a shoutout on my blog already :). Here's to stay at home moms trying to make a little extra money doing what they love! Yay!
