Tuesday, October 13, 2009


We ended up having a really busy week last week, but it was a fun kind of busy. Had a couple of play dates and went in with a friend on a garage sale. It was a cold, but good time. So today we're taking it easy and having a much needed day at home to get some things done. BUT, I did have an errand to run this morning that happened to be by K-Mart. I don't go there too often, but am usually pleasantly surprised when I do. I got a pair of jeans, a dress, a swim suit, and a vest-type-thing all for $1.99 each. That's my kind of sale!  I really, really hate swim suits, but we're going on a big trip in about a month and will be staying in a hotel for a night or two so might, for once, participate in swimming. Scary!

Harper is mastering sitting and is getting closer and closer to figuring out crawling....she's rocking on her hands and knees. Her top teeth are still working their way through with one out and the other partially out. She's been a super star during the day, but they seem to bother her at night. Or something is bothering her at night. She's been sleeping horribly the last few weeks and has me dreaming of a day where I can sleep for 4 straight hours. Is that too much to ask? It's like we have a new born all over again. Henry is doing really well right now. We had a rough week last week trying to get back on track with disciplining. It was a good learning experience for all of us. Still working on it, but I can see some progress! He's such a sweet little boy....full of energy and goofiness.....but there were some attitudes that were getting out of hand....including mine!

And finally....some pictures!






Happy Tuesday!


  1. Cute, cute pictures! I meant to tell you, a friend dropped off an exer-saucer for us identical to the one we gave you! See? It all works out! :)

  2. Abby - Harper is seriously adorable! Henry too, but seriously....that Harper is one CUTE baby!! =)

  3. Soooo cute!! The one where baby girl has eyes wide open doing a side glance at her brother is hilarious!!!

