Monday, October 19, 2009

Catch Up

RJ ran his very first 1/2 marathon on Sunday. I was so proud of him! He's been training with some friends since this summer and has worked so hard. What a man. It was an early morning and a cold one too, but had a great time. I almost cut out early because Henry was having a horrible time for the first bit, but we stuck it out and got to see him finish the race. 

Here he is with his running buddies. We had them all over for a pasta supper the night before and then after the race we all went out to eat at Jethro's. Too bad I didn't have a "I'm running a 1/2 marathon" excuse to eat all that food.

 I am finally getting around to some projects that have been's the frame and mirror I bought this summer at a thrift store. If I remember correctly, together they were $5.
 And here's the after. I painted them black, glued fabric to the back of the frame, and then nailed up the mirror in the middle. I actually had something extremely similar already there (just a different frame and mirror but with the same fabric) but I really wanted this mirror in the dining room so did a switcheroo.
 I also re-did our chandelier. It used to have lovely shades on, but took them off for something different.
 Then went to Hobby Lobby and for $2 got this garland and ornaments and made it fancy with the help of a hot glue gun. I love me a hot glue gun. I think this house is held together with a hot glue gun.

But you know, when the perfectly fine chandelier had the perfectly fine shades on it, life was....perfectly fine. I've tried recently to not read too much of those uber amazing home decorating blogs and spend too much time searching every amazing thing on Etsy because it makes my head spin. So it was fun to do my own little project without getting crazy about it. I still want to paint the chairs in the dining room...a project I've been "wanting" to do for about 2 years now, but it will happen when it happens.
Because life is perfectly fine right now without it.

Oh, this weather today is absolutely gorgeous! Finally, a FALL day. Enjoy!


  1. you are so right about your house being perfect without all of those things! i know exactly how you feel about wanting to do all of those fun things you see - you get inspired - get these great ideas in your head but not the time/money whatever to do it and it just sits there in your head festering!!! my advice is to write it down...get it out of your head.

    And, seriously, WOW! the frames with the fabric!!! BEAUTIFUL!!! very elegant and sharp. i'm in love with it.

  2. You have a GOOD EYE!! Seriously -- I want to go thrifting with you!

  3. Wow--Abby those projects are beautiful! I'm thinking we need to set up a date for you to visit my humble abode for some "projects"!

  4. Go RJ! I think I just burned off 100 calories just reading about all that running.

    And I LOVE your projects! After you go to Londa's, can you come to my house and redo everything?

  5. Fantastic job!!! Way to go!! You are so talented girl!!

    many blessings-
