Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Food, Food, and Food

 I had/have total intentions of making Harper's baby food. I did not with Henry. It didn't even cross my mind-I think being a first time mom was enough for me at the time. But this time around, I thought I'd give it a try. I'm hoping to save some money, I like the challenge of it, and it sounds healthy and fun. So far I've just been buying the regular baby food using some good coupons but hope to make a bunch and freeze this weekend. I feel like I just need a day set aside to do it all at once and then be done with it for awhile. One thing I have successfully tried this week is avacados. I bought a pack of 6 at Sam's that were $.98 a piece, which is quite a bit cheaper than other stores. Since they don't have the longest shelf life, we'll be eating them non-stop for a while. Thankfully Henry throws them down like it's no one's business, and getting there. The first night I mushed it up by itself. She kept opening her mouth, but was making horrible faces the whole time. Tonight I mushed it up with a few slices of banana and she ate it very well. By the time we are done with the pack of avacados I think she will successfully be sick of eating avacados.

 I got this book at a garage sale when Henry was little. It has good ideas on what foods mix well together/freeze/etc.

 I'm looking forward to trying this out...hopefully it goes well!

We have an exciting trip coming up and in the meantime, I'm trying to not spend much money on food and am trying to clean out our cupboards. This will not be hard. We've got plenty of food. Tonight I made garbanzo bean tacos. Tasty! I used my taco seasoning, a diced red pepper, a can of diced tomatoes,and black olives. Now I've only got 6 more cans of diced tomatoes to use. Have I mentioned how much I love Sam's Club?

Last night I made tomato soup and grilled cheese. Did you know you can make tomato soup from pasta sauce? Just throw in your fav sauce, add 2 cups of water, some extra dried or fresh seasonings if you so choose, 1/2 cup skim milk (or cream if you have it) and that's all.

My children took very long naps this afternoon so I baked some cookies that I need to deliver to someone tomorrow. They are chocolate thumbprint cookies with pumpkin spiced hershey kisses on top. They are tasty, but I can not get over how funny/weird they look. Seriously, they just look weird.

 I've refound my love for Goodwill recently. I found this beauty of an afghan for $5. Does it match anything in my house? No. Is it a beauty? Yes!


I also "needed" a new pair of jeans and could not justify going to the mall and paying for them. Have I mentioned my $5 limit on pretty much everything? Well, I found an excellent pair for $5.89ish. So I guess you can say I splurged. ;)

This month is coming and going already. I've got lots of fun painting projects to work on. A big trip to get ready for. Baby proofing our house for a little girl who is crawling. And lots of fun to be had.

*Oh, and if you haven't already, please click on the "Praying for Malachi" button at the top of my blog. It will link you to a blog by a sweet couple who used to go to our church. They have a beautiful almost-2-year-old little girl and just had a baby boy who has CHARGE syndrome. Please pray for him and their family!!


  1. yay for you making baby food! i did this with ben and it is so easy! there is also a website called that i used a lot that has good baby food recipes! and you can freeze avocadoes too just so you know! ben ate a lot of avocadoes and bananas because they were no brainer/no prep foods for on the go!

  2. That bertolli jar looks like a keeper:) I love goodwill too! The cookies look delish! I may be heading out to find some pumpkin spice kisses!

  3. Thanks for the baby food website!

    And yes, I've already saved about 5 of those pasta jars to reuse. :)

  4. I made all of the boys baby food and I really grew to love my blender!
    Squash was their favorite!
    I think your new jeans are pretty darn cute, too! :)

  5. loll $5.89ish....

    I love your thrifty side!!

